I am
scheduled to deliver my second set of twins this Tuesday. These little girls
already weigh over two pounds more than my 19 month old twins did at birth. I also
have carried these twins over 3 weeks longer than my last set. Needless to say,
I am bigger and have gained more weight with these kiddos. And I believe the
old wives tale that girls make you crave sweets because that is all I wanted
this pregnancy; so yeah, I may have over indulged in a few cakes, cookies,
cereals, donuts, etc. Basically, after this birth I will have some work to do
to lose the baby weight, some odd 55 pounds of it.
Now, with two sets of twins, all under the age of two, who thinks
I will make it to a gym? Or even be able to establish some home based workout
routine? Oh, we have a treadmill, I think it is the thing in the basement that
holds all of our unworn jackets and dust. Really the only consistent exercise I
can count on in my day to day life is walking; and climbing the staircase 4 times each time I have to go up. So I was curious, just how much do I walk in a
day? Is it really enough to be significant for my goal of getting back in shape (what
shape that is I don’t know)?
Thankfully, a tech savvy company called Ozeri offered to
let me review one of their cool 4x3 motion TM Digital Pocket Pedometers,
featuring Tri-Axis Technology. These things are pretty fancy; they were originally
created for use in corporate programs to promote employee’s health and
wellness. Oh, and they are streamlined and cute too.
One of the things I like the best about the pedometer is that
it not only records steps, distance, speed, time, but it also tells me calories burned. And thanks
to the tri-axis technology and design, it can be carried in your bag or on your
person. If you are like me, you forget what day it is most of the time,
thankfully this gadget has a clock and calendar built right in!
An economic feature is that it will shut
itself off after 30 seconds of non-use to preserve battery, but once you move it
starts back up where you left off. The backlit screen is also helpful at night
time (if you are one of those crazy people who actually does a workout after
the kids go to bed). I must say that my only complaint about this pedometer is
that it only starts to track your steps when it senses 13 steps. So for me, a
trip to the kitchen isn’t tracked although I would like credit for getting up
to get a snack! Over all a great purchase, and you can get one from Amazon for under $20!
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